Eventide Eclipse, Eventide Harmonizer Effects Processor

Eventide Harmonizer Effects Processor

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Eventide Eclipse Popular Q&A

A: The Eclipse's algorithms are much more complex and detailed than the G-Force's. I think the Eclipse sounds more realistic/toneful and less digital than the G-fo... Read More »

Q: Should I go for an eventide eclipse or a g-system?
A: It really depends on how much you love the tone on your amp without effects. Though I've been playing for 40+ years, my last year has been a real eye-opener for... Read More »

Q: Hi, Is there a big difference between the eventide h-8000 fw and ...
A: Like the H8000 series, the DSP4000 series is modular in nature, and is programmed via Vsig. That said, it has much less DSP overall, even if it is still capable... Read More »

Q: Can anyone gives me some suggestions?which one is better? tc g-fo...
A: G-Force is probably the ultimate guitar processor when it comes to controllability with MIDI. You can have a patch with a long string of effects and switch them... Read More »

Eventide Eclipse Helpful Resources

Eventide - Eclipse V4
The Power, The Performance, The Heritage of Eventide Audio Effects in a Single Rack Space Unit. There's never been a compact effects box like Eclipse.

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